ParentVUE and StudentVUE by Synergy

Synergy is our Student Information System that supports student demographics, schedules, attendance, grades and more. ParentVUE by Synergy is replacing Skyward Family Access.


  • Download the free ParentVUE app from the Apple App Store or Google Play
    • NOTE: you MUST activate your account in a browser (like Chrome or Safari) on a phone or computer before you can log in to the app.
    • Once you have installed the app, search for the district’s name by zip code (55110) from within the app.
    • Use your newly created ParentVUE account username and password to log in.
  • Introduction Tutorial (Interactive or Video


  • Many ParentVUE features work well on the Mobile App and it is recommended. 
  • A StudentVUE app is also available. It mirrors the ParentVUE app while focusing just on the individual student. 
  • Online Family Update Instructions (Español)

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How do I log in to my account?
A: Login page Your username is the email address you have on file with the District or what you chose in the activation process.

Q: What do I do if I forgot my password?
A: You can reset your password here. Look for the red lock icon.

Q: Can parents/guardians share a ParentVUE account?
A: Each parent/guardian should have their own account to view their student(s) school data.

Q: Do I need to make a different ParentVUE account for each of my students?
A: No. ParentVUE lets you see all of your students in one space.

Q: How do I see my students' schedules in the ParentVUE app?
A: Select the student whose schedule you would like to see from the home page. 

 Select ‘Class Schedule’

 If no schedule is displaying, click on ‘Today’, and select                the current term

Q: How do I see my students' transportation?
A: Select Student Info, then scroll down to Transportation. Click for details

StudentVUE access is now open! 



Many StudentVUE features work well on the Mobile App and it is recommended. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How do I log in to my account?
A: Login page:  Click Login With Google.

Q: How do I view my schedule, locker etc.?
A: Look for the menu on the left hand side. As items become available, they will appear there.


For questions not covered here, please connect with the office at your school or the Technology Department at or 651-407-7637.